
Instant Rice Mix

Instant Rice Mix

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Manthankalikai Podi (Black Night Shade)Powder

per 100 gm
₹170 ₹204 (17% OFF)

Product details

Manthankalikai Podi (Black Night Shade)Powder

Introducing our finest Manthankalikai Podi (Black Night Shade) Powder, a must-have addition to your herbal collection. This unique powder is derived from the revered Manthankalikai plant, also known as Black Night Shade. Known for its numerous health benefits, this powder is a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants.

Our Manthankalikai Podi powder is meticulously sourced from the highest quality plants, ensuring that you receive the purest form of this herbal goodness. It is carefully dried and ground to perfection, preserving all the essential nutrients. Loaded with vitamins A, C, and E, our Manthankalikai Podi powder helps strengthen your immune system, making it easier for your body to fight off infections and illnesses.

The natural properties of our Manthankalikai Podi powder aid in improving digestion and relieving digestive issues. Say goodbye to bloating and discomfort! It works like warm killer. 

People don't want to eat bitter food. especially the kids eat lot of junk food. 

It helps to digest all sort of junks

good for controlling the diabetics

Improve overall health

How to use add with hot rice with ghee or gingly (til) oil

even you can add with soup and kanji 


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